With the lapse of time a lot of unnecessary and useless files accumulate on your computer. Such files don’t have an influence on any applications and just take your hard disk space. That’s why it is important to search and delete them. It can help you to get more free space on your hard disk and avoid littering in your system. Alternate Directory 3.0 is very simple and easy-to-use application for performing these actions. You can select one or several drives or even a certain folder for scanning. The idea of scanning is searching for files with extensions that are peculiar to useless files and giving you all detailed information about files that were found. After analyzing this information you should delete those files. The program includes a list of such extensions. By the way you can easily modify if by adding or deleting records. But be very careful if you don’t want to lose really important data. Alternate Directory 3.0 supports English and German languages. It can create detailed file logs that can be sent for printing.